The Association

Aims of the Society
ItPS is a non-profit association with the aim of coordinating, supporting and representing, at national level, researchers involved in peptide science, to promote the advancement of research and education in this area. To meet these objectives, ItPS promotes and supports initiatives aimed at favouring contacts and exchanges between researchers who are involved in the aforementioned studies within the context of various disciplines, as well as initiatives for didactic and scientific dissemination of the peptides’s science (article 2 of the Statute).
Society Foundation
In June 2014, during the 14th Naples Worshop on Bioactive Peptides, Prof. Paolo Rovero, Italian representative of the European Peptide Society, convened an informal meeting with Italian participants to start discussing the possibility of creating a group that could bring together active researchers in the field of peptide science, also exploiting the information present on the Italian Peptide Network site, previously created by Prof. Paolo Grieco. In July 2015, Prof. Claudio Toniolo and Prof. Rovero convened a meeting in Florence with 16 representatives of various universities, CNR and Italian companies, to initiate the formal procedures for setting up the Society. In October 2015 these Founding Members formally constituted the Society, with the drafting of a Statute, its registration with the Revenue Agency, with the stipulation of the Constitutive Act and with the appointment of an interim Executive Committee with the task to collect the registrations of interested colleagues and to carry out all the necessary procedures.
Founding Members
Dr. Elisabetta Bianchi (IRBM Science Park, Pomezia, RM)
Prof. Luisa Bracci (University of Siena)
Dr. Marco Crisma (CNR, Padua)
Prof. Fernando Formaggio (University di Padua)
Prof. Renato Gennaro (University of Trieste)
Prof. Paolo Grieco (University di Napoli "Federico II")
Prof. Giancarlo Morelli (University di Napoli "Federico II")
Prof. Anna Maria Papini (University di Firenze)
Dr. Antonello Pessi (PeptiPharma, Rome)
Prof. Alessandro Pini (University di Siena)
Prof. Paolo Rovero (University di Florence)
Dott. Menotti Ruvo (CNR, Naples
Prof. Lorenzo Stella (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)
Prof. Claudio Toniolo (University of Padua)
Prof. Alessandro Tossi (University of Trieste)
Prof. Mariano Venanzi (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)

Executive Committee
Prof. Maria Luisa Mangoni, Sapienza University of Rome - +39 06 49910838
Prof. Claudia Bello, University of Florence - +39 055 4573525
Prof. Antonella Accardo, University of Naples Federico II - +39 081 2532045
Responsible for Communication Activity and WEB site manager
Dr. Michele Saviano, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - +39 0823 274757
Responsible for Scientific Activities
Prof.ssa Daniela Marasco, University of Naples "Federico II" - +39 081 632043
ItPS avails itself of a Scientific Committee, currently composed of the following members:
1. Prof. Walter Cabri (Bologna)
2. Dr. Alessandro Gori (Milan)
3. Prof.ssa Silvia Marchesan (Trieste)
4. Prof.ssa Marta De Zotti (Padua)
5. Prof. Mariano Venanzi (Rome)